Instant exhibition of émigré art
On March 25, 2023, the second Instant Exhibition of Immigrant Art RUBEZH*: HOME took place. The event featured 36 artists from 10 countries around the world, selected through an open-call competition. Among them were artists with immigration experience from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Thailand, Turkey, Serbia, South Korea, Montenegro, Russia, and Indonesia. In total, 327 guests attended the exhibition.
  • Alsu Garapova
    Curator & Founder
  • Valentin Fedorov
    Second Curator & Art Director
  • Kir Esadov
    Photography expert
  • Yaroslav Simakov
    Performative action expert
  • Michael Cherkasov
    Music expert
Curator's appeal
You can lose everything in your life: work, loved ones, a roof over your head, and even life itself. But, passing through all the boundaries, we all carry something warm in ourselves, which helps us move on and defines us as people. The feeling of contact with this cannot be confused with anything. It’s more than love. Something very intimate that is only yours. Something that will die only with you, that gives rise to a sense of security, comfort and self-acceptance.

This is your home that has never been, but it always stays with you. Have you already found it in yourself?

  • Alsu Garapova
    Curator & Founder
  • Andrei Morev
    Technical Director &
    Community Manager
  • Valentin Fedorov
    Second Curator & Art Director
RUBEZH: HOME took place in two locations: the daytime program was held at the co-living space POSTROY SVINYU LYUBOV, and the nighttime program was held at the bar Everyday Saturday. The exhibition showcased 43 works, including installations, performances, photo and video works, paintings, and experimental electronic music sets. The daytime program also featured a lecture by a migration researcher psychologist, and the nighttime program ended with a rave featuring original DJ sets, light and video installations.
Day program
17:00 — 19:00
When you leave your house, city, country that has already become your home, and go on new journeys, you discover emotions that manifest themselves only with such global changes. When the sounds of the city at night, people, landscapes outside the window, food and a lot of everything else make you touch something unknown to you. Under all this influence of the new and unusual, you want to create and express your feelings in music or another performance familiar to you. Letting go of the past allows you to experience the extraordinary. And it is cool, and you want to live.
Video art
Graffiti claims to be everything private that appears in public space. Many passers-by would see me drawing graffiti on the street and say, "Draw it at home." But how can you draw at home if you live there and need to take a break from graffiti, because home is a place of rest.
bliss II
When I moved to Armenia, I woke up several times at night from a thunderstorm, thinking that an Azerbaijani rocket had arrived. There are amazing emerald mountains in Vanadzor. Looking at them, I wondered how many people were lying there. I left Russia when the war started, and now the war has overtaken me in Armenia.
The Dark Years
The video is dedicated to the family memory of life in Armenia during the energy crisis in the 90s. This time is called the "The Dark Years" in Armenia. Home is safeness, security, a state of peace and confidence. Home is where it is quiet. In the Dark Years, the house became a cruel and dangerous place that had to be abandoned in search of more suitable conditions for survival.
Night program
22:00 — 23:00
In this sequence are tracks from the Singapore-based label Midnight Shift. Singapore is the place where I began to speak. Midnight Shift sound is a memory catalyst, the only way I know of to make contact with this time that has turned into rustles and creaks.
The RUBEZH Instant Exhibition Series of Immigrant Art is a pop-up exhibition where immigrant artists from around the world share their experiences through art, thereby helping others cope with the difficulties of immigration. The exhibitions are held in Bishkek, as well as in an online format on the rubeeeeeeezh. io website. Since its launch in December 2022, we have held two exhibitions in Bishkek and presented 75 projects from participants representing 11 countries.
* RUBEZH — transliteration of the Russian word РУБЕЖ in Latin. It means both a physical boundary and a mental milestone.