Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people who are committed to creating a future where human rights are enjoyed by everyone.
Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world.
Refugees International is dedicated to creating a more welcoming world for people seeking refuge.
Artists at Risk (AR) has become known as the “go-to” institution for artists and cultural professionals at risk worldwide.
We are feminists and supporters of equality, people forming networks of resistance and solidarity both within Russia and around the world. We consistently stand against the war in Ukraine, any occupation and imperialist war, and against the rule of dictatorial regimes.
Razom, which means “together” in Ukrainian, is dedicated to upholding the principles of the Revolution of Dignity (Maidan) and actively contributing to the establishment of a secure, prosperous, and democratic Ukraine.
The international historical, educational, charitable and human rights society.
BYSOL supports initiatives that help repressed and victimized Belarusians.
Free Russia Foundation — empowering and coordinating global efforts
for democracy in Russia
Ukrainian Youth Organization "Svitanok"
Help Ukrainian refugees
Civil society development
Informing about Ukrainian history, culture and present
Providing Ukrainians with food, medicine and qualified psychological help.
Ukrainian World Congress is a non-profit organization, nonpartisan association, international coordination assembly of all Ukrainian public organizations in diaspora.
The mission of United Help Ukraine (UHU) is to provide the people of Ukraine with critical support that will enable them to survive in the face of adversity, to defend and regain their sovereign territory, and to rebuild and thrive well into the future.
Humanitarian and medical aid to Ukrain
Ukrainian activists in Sakartvelo
The Ark is the largest project that helps anti-war Russians in emigration and in Russia.
Solidarity zone — horizontal initiative, which exposes the persecution of, and provides practical support to, those arrested for anti-war actions in Russia.
Choose to Help — humanitarian aid point for ukrainians in Tbilisi (Georgia).
Emigration for Action – is a project run by Russian emigrants in Georgia that helps Ukrainian refugees in the medical, social and psychological spheres and unites Russian-speakers who are against the war.
Volunteers Tbilisi — volunteer movement helping refugees from Ukraine get information, food, medicine, medical care and temporary housing in Tbilisi