Instant exhibition of émigré art
The third international Instant Exhibition of Émigré Art RUBEZH: LIBERTY took place on August 25−26 in Bishkek at the PLUR cultural workshop, our key partner.

Theme: Liberty in its broadest sense, from freedom of speech to physical freedom.

Participants: 60 artists from 16 countries, each with diverse migration backgrounds and different citizenships.

Mediums: Every possible medium, including painting, performances, installations, video art, video games, photography, experimental music, and DJ sets. The exhibition also featured a lectorium, artist talks, and screenings of films by Kyrgyz filmmakers.

Scroll down to explore each artwork, lecture, and artist talk.
  • Alsu Garapova
  • Zhandos Alibaev
    Painting Expert
  • Daria Vlasova
    Cinema and Visual Art Expert
  • Lev Shusharichev
    Art Expert
  • Yulia Pogodaeva
    Performative Action Expert
    Music Selectivity Experts
  • Georgy Seleznev
    Electronic Music Expert
  • Valentin Fedorov
    Art Director, Photography Expert
Curator's appeal
That’s it. We can no longer bear this. We are leaving our home in search of a new place that we can call our own. What will we choose?

Freedom or rootlessness?
Belonging or dependence?
Catharsis or hysteria?
Self-control or emotional inhibition?
Right to choose or permissiveness?
Safety or authoritarianism?
Autonomy or isolation?
Sociability or oppression?
Openness to new or recklessness?
Traditions or conservatism?
Conviction or obstinacy?
Tolerance or conformity?


The absolute that we strive for. Is it possible to achieve it?

  • Alsu Garapova
    Curator & Founder
  • Andrei Morev
    Technical Director &
    Community Manager
  • Valentin Fedorov
    Art Director
RUBEZH is the international diaspora of émigré artists. We organize exhibitions, parties, and educational events, provide shelters, and create communes. Our mission is to build a platform for immigrant artists where they can always find support and continue their work safely.

Every person deserves a home.
We believe this because we ourselves have lost ours.

The RUBEZH Instant exhibition series is a pop-up event where we discuss current migration issues without censorship. Since its launch in 2022, we have held three exhibitions submitting 135 projects of participants from 23 countries of the world.
Artworks: installation
Artworks: painting
Artworks: performance
Artworks: narrative
Arina Kovshevaya — Ten Phenomena of Freedom
I used to think that freedom was a choice. But after I started making forced decisions for political, emotional and moral reasons, I stopped feeling free. In these verses, I reflect on how a person reveals his freedom to the world, what he does with it.
Maria Makarova — My Naked Freedom
This is my first desperate, sincere text statement. I recorded it on the plane from Moscow to Istanbul. I needed somewhere to vent the feelings that had been tearing me apart for several months, some of them went into sculpture, but it wasn’t enough.
Zanré Reed — In the Backseat
The Bishkek Diaries | Episode One: Buckling up in Bishkek | Audio/Podcast Series. | Step into my inner world as a South African citizen relocating to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Artworks: photo
Artworks: digital
Artworks: music — live
Artworks: music — selectors
Artworks: video / audio
Ek Blom (eng. I Bloom)
Into the Dark of My Skin
Sounds of Streets
In transit: Migration of Body and Home
Album Dzielna Wspinaczka
(eng. Brave Climb album)
Special Program
Open screening of films by directors from Kyrgyzstan
10 lectures without censorship and selection. We implemented the concept of absolute freedom of speech.
9 discussions with different artists about their ideas and lives
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