Special Program
Without censorship and selection. Speakers could book any time slot and choose any topic: in this way, we implemented the concept of absolute freedom of speech.
Demianenko Sabina
About Instagram, About the Freedom to Express Yourself as You Are on Social Media
A lecture about why it is important to express yourself at all. How to feel free on social media. How to respond to hate because it is always there. Why you should not be ashamed of yourself. Being yourself is an absolute joy and how it leads to scale. Why it is important to be visible in the world and why it is freedom.
Diana Dortman
Myths About the Benefits and Harms of Tea
In this lecture, we will go through the most common myths and misconceptions about the effects of tea on the body.
Ilya Djoga
The World of Frozen Sounds
Through millennia, images of already vanished objects and past events have reached us. But can we hear the voice of the past, the songs of yore, or the noise of historical battles? Everyone knows that we cannot. People did not know how to capture sound. It could not be carved in stone. Once born, sound would disappear. Until one day…
Anna Petina
A Ceramic Artist Who Wants to Make Games: How to Find Yourself in the Endless Search
I want to tell you about something I can talk about endlessly—myself. How I wanted to become an architect, was unemployed, became a photographer, wanted to be a designer, 3D artist, art historian, fell in love with feminine forms, fell into depression, and eventually became fascinated by ceramics and game creation :)
Madina Alyshpaeva
Vintage Finds and Their Styling
I would like to give a lecture on conscious consumption and share some styling tips. I also want to share a checklist with vintage second-hand stores, clothing shops in Bishkek, and international opportunities for creative people.
Patterns of Hate on TikTok: A User Guide
What is hate? Its signs. The difference between hate and constructive criticism. How to respond correctly.
Vyacheslav Filev
How the Neighbors' Banging on the Radiator Differs from Industrial Music
What is music anyway? How does a jazz drum solo differ from a child banging away out of sync but perhaps more heartfelt? How to evaluate the musicality of various sounds? And are animals capable of making music, or is it just humans? Let’s reflect together.
Anton Malinowsky
Per aspera ad rectum or How I Became a Professional Model Maker
I will talk about how I ended up professionally assembling kits for children’s creativity, as well as the benefits of CAD and additive technologies in creativity.
Andrey Kholyavin
Something About Psilocybin
Psilocybin, some general information (where it is found, legal status, etc.), the structure of the nervous system, signal transmission, agonists-antagonists, where psilocybin comes in, treating depression, the presumed nature of psilocybin insights, and prospects in the therapy of PTSD and other conditions.
Dmitry Korzanov
Everyone Loves to Sleep
Oh, the pleasant opportunity to indulge in sleep: where does half of our life go, why do we want it so much, and why do we sometimes refuse it. What sleep is capable of, what it does to us, what it takes away, and what it brings.