Dot in space team
Dot in spaсe
About the project
This is a fantasy project about an escapist social network created during the time of Covid. The project was already reflecting on the topic of either artificial or natural emigration, both inside and outside, so radically dividing people. So they become literally aliens to each other. And in this emigrant optics, people narrow down to an abstract point devoid of any human characteristics, but continuing to remain the bearer of someone’s call.

Our project is an interpolation of the question posed by the Fermi paradox: "If we are not alone in the universe, then why is the cosmos silent?" into the realm of human relationships, where everyone is in their own bubble.
About the author
Valery Belov is an emigrant fugitive. A Russian who fled the war unleashed by the Putin regime.

Pavel Rotz is an emigrant-repatriate. At the moment he is a successful practicing Finnish artist. In a duet with Sasha Rotu, also an artist, they reflect a lot on the bloody legacy left by the Stalinist regime and its impact on the fate of generations in Finland, Russia and in the former republics of the Union.

Teppo Vesikukka is Finn. An information designer and a visual artist. A doctoral student in Visual Communication design at Aalto University. — he asked not to reveal himself, but this person also has a rich life trajectory.