international diaspora of émigré artists
Face2Face with Georgia
Integrational Laboratory for Russian-Speaking Artists [By RUBEZH]
23.02 — 20.04.2025
We are RUBEZH.
We bring together émigré artists.
We believe that every artist deserves a home.
To adapt to a new country, migrants often find themselves in national diasporas where each member can feel safe and receive support from completely unfamiliar people. However, we are against dividing people by inherent characteristics: whether it’s nationality, skin color, or others.

We create an international diaspora for artists. A community where it doesn’t matter who you were born as, but rather who you have become.
Our Projects — Past, Present, Future
3 pop-up exhibitions, 135 projects, 20 countries.
We explore the theme of migration through fundamental natural processes and concepts that resonate with every person. We strive not to restrict participants to any specific medium. Musicians and artists, poets and DJs coexist and collaborate.
We aim to build a society where freedom and human life are finally valued. We are already doing this in our homes — communes and shelters. Together, they have housed 150 people.
Local Events
In every city where we live or pass through, we host parties, open lectures, small exhibitions, and anything else that seems interesting to us. These events are meant to connect different migrant communities with each other and help integrate them into the local context.
International Exhibitions
Our guiding principle is liberty.
The freedom from oppression, totalitarianism, prejudices of the mind, from the fear of death.
Communes and Shelters
We have been living together since the spring of 2022.
In our communes, we practice democracy: all key decisions are made by majority vote.
We treat shelter residents not as guests but as full members of our community.

Overall, our communes are like big families. We hang out together, create projects, share friends, cook for each other, and even move to other countries together.
When a resident’s mom comes to visit, we are as happy as if a relative of our own has arrived.
And, of course, we share household chores — here, we have our own legal code.
Our Homes
Events & News
  • Alsu Garapova
    Curator & Founder
  • Andrei Morev
    Technical Director &
    Community Manager